Net-zero emissions in the buildings sector

In collaboration with Carbotech, TEP Energy has published the interim report (only in German) of the Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Buildings project, explaining methodological approach and the assessment approaches. The project is important to quantify the grey CO2 emissions in the building sector.

Under the Paris Agreement, Switzerland has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2050. The Energy Prospects EP 2050+ show concrete reduction paths for final energy demand in the building sector and the associated GHG emissions in the ZERO scenario (base as well as sub-variants). Not or
or only partially covered in the EP2050+ energy perspectives or the long-term climate strategy of Switzerland are the gray GHG emissions from the provision of energy sources and the construction and disposal of buildings and their components. However, these must be considered in an overall view of the building sector in order to formulate target-oriented measures.

This interim report documents the provisional completion of the work on the methodical questions and serves as a basis for the further work of the research project Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Building Sector.