Statistical evaluations and econometrics
Bei welchen Unternehmen steht die energetische Betriebsoptimierung (eBO) oder die Bereitschaft für Demand Side Management (DSM) hoch im Kurs? Was ist bei energetisch relevanten Entscheiden besonders wichtig und welchen Einfluss hat die Energieeffizienz auf den Preis von Produkten und Gebäuden?
Diese und zahlreiche weitere Fragen lassen sich mit statistischen und ökonometrischen Methoden beantworten. Wir werten Ihre Datensätze aus und führen für Sie gezielte Umfragen durch. Ein zweckmässiges statistisches Untersuchungsdesign ermöglicht gezielte Aussagen bei tieferen Kosten.
Motivations for Investment in Smart Technologies and Energy Efficiency: The Case of Residential Buildings
Through the MISTEE project, we analyse how households' investments in buildings' energy efficiency and smart technologies are motivated and what impact different policies can have.
Data centers in Switzerland - Electricity consumption and efficiency potential
Due to a substantial and increasing amount of electricity consumption by servers rooms/data cetners in Switzerland, it is important to analyse the electricity demand and energy efficiency potentials.
Country-specific Market Reports for Buildings
Building Market Briefs (BMB) is a Climate KIC initiative within the flagship Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA) that aims to gather and promote knowledge about the buildings' and construction sector to promote low carbon investment and scaling.
Study on the Subsidiary Ban of Fossil-Fuelled Heating Systems
Swiss climate policy is facing major challenges, especially in the buildings sector. The study investigated the effects of a possible ban on fossil-fuelled heating systems from 2030, if the climate targets cannot otherwise be achieved.
Contributions to the ewz Energy Research Programme on the 2000-watt Society
«Energy Research City of Zurich» is a 10-year programme for applied energy research.
Electricity Efficiency of the Swiss Economy – Evaluation and Scenarios of the EnAW
The impact of EnAW's previous activities in the field of electricity efficiency is statistically evaluated and the future development is bottom-up estimated.