Net-Zero CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Building Sector – Building Climate-Neutral
The final reports of the Net-Zero project was published by the SFOE.
Energy renovation rates in the building sector
The final report on the 'Synthesis of the building envelope and heating systems for residential and non-residential buildings' commissioned by the SFOE has been published.
Cantonal energy indicators and CO2 emissions in the building sector
The final report on the cantonal reporting project was published by the FOEN.
Tep Energy supports the city of Dresden in drawing up municipal heat planning.
Martin Jakob will take part in the Heat Turning Dialogue I on April 15, 2024 in Dresden and will contribute his experience from Zurich.
Article in the Focus supplement of the Tagesanzeiger of 06.04.2024
We show how municipalities can approach energy planning in order to achieve climate protection targets in an article in the Focus supplement of the Tagesanzeiger.
Find out more about energy planning here
85th LCA Forum - Electricity in buildings LCA, conference report published
With reference to the ongoing Swiss research project "Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector", Martin Jakob discussed a number of methodological issues relating to the assessment of GHG emissions directly or indirectly attributable to the building sector: Click on title to learn more.
Environmental report of EPIC Suisse AG has been published
The environmental report of EPIC Suisse AG, which was co-edited by TEP and Sustainserv, was published in their annual report 2023.
Potential study and solar strategy for Wädenswil finalised
With the completion of the project, the city of Wädenswil and its utilities have the basis to accelerate the expansion of solar energy in a targeted manner and to create the necessary conditions, measures and instruments to do so.
SFOE conference on energy efficiency in the Swiss building stock
“Energy Efficient Buildings: Accelerating the transition” was the claim of the workshop held on 1 February 2024 in Bern.
As part of the programme, the study MISTEE conducted by TEP Energy GmbH and the University of Neuchâtel was presented.
New business areas for the electrical industry in relation with energy and climate targets
At the Industry Day 2024, Martin Jakob discussed potentials for new business areas for companies in the electrical industry.
Re-audit of the energy town of Volketswil successful
The re-audit 2023 of the European Energy Award (EEA) was successful and on 14 November 2023 Volketswil was awarded the EEA label for the 5th time. Martin Jakob as a prospective EEA consultant and Stefanie Huber (enerhub) are delighted together with the municipality and wish it continued success in implementing the energy and climate issues.
Martin Jakob opened the 9th Symposium on Solar Energy and Heat Pumps – Thermal grids.
Thermal grids were in the focus of the Symposium held in Rapperswil. In his opening speech, Martin Jakob put them into context (“The big picture - The role of thermal networks today and in the future”). In addition to the talks, there was also a small accompanying exhibition and a large collector on the roof of the SPF could be visited.
Forum Smart Infrastructure 2023
Martin Jakob gave a presentation on refurbishment strategies (from digital data collection to financing) at the Smart Infrastructure 2023 forum.
Net-zero emissions in the buildings sector
In collaboration with Carbotech, TEP Energy has published the interim report (only in German) of the Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Buildings project, explaining the methodological approach. The project is important to quantify the grey CO2 emissions in the building sector.
The EU's path away from fossil gas
Due to its climate goals and the rising gas prices caused by the war in Ukraine, it is time for the EU to break away from fossil gas. With the REPowerEU plan, the EU has created a first basis for breaking away from fossil gas. In a study at the end of May, Agora Energiewende proposed a structural transition path that shows the way away from the use of fossil gases by 2050. The study is based on detailed sectoral modelling of the energy, building and industry sectors, on which TEP worked together with Artelys and the Wuppertal Institute.
Webinar - Breaking free from fossil gas
TEP Energy, together with Agora Energiewende, held a webinar on June 22 2023. They explained how buildings and district heat can contribute to break away from fossil fuels in the EU. A recording is available online.
Regeneration of ground-source heat pumps
Another supplementary analysis of the Energy Perspectives 2050 on the regeneration demand of brine-water borehole heat exchangers was published and is available on the project page
Using GIS methods, TEP Energy has shown in a differentiated manner that there is a large-scale need for regeneration if such heat pumps are to achieve a high proportion of the heat supply in an area,
Resilience and sustainability in the industrial and urban sector
The SURE project investigates the resilience and sustainability of the Swiss energy system. TEP Energy has now published the results in three project reports.
Environmental report of EPIC Suisse AG has been published
The environmental report of EPIC Suisse AG, which was co-edited by TEP and Sustainserv, was published in their annual report 2022.
Subsidies motivate the renovation of residential buildings
SFOE's Energeia Magazine published a blog entry for the study Motivations for Smart Technologies and Energy Efficiency.
Final report of the project MISTEE
The final report of the MISTEE project shows important empirical results on the renovation activity and its influencing factors in the Swiss building stock.
Final report published: Low Invest Cost Sanierungen (LICS)
The final report on the LICS project, which TEP Energy carried out in collaboration with Low Tech Lab and Studio Durable, has been published by the SFOE. The report analyses the relationship between the level of investment and the CO₂ savings potential of various refurbishment measures.
New reporting on CO2 emissions in buildings
With the cooperation of TEP Energy, the reporting of the cantons on the reduction of CO2 emissions from buildings was updated. TEP Energy's building stock model was used to model the energy performance indicators of residential buildings. Further information can be found on the FOEN website.
Ex-post Analysis of Energy Demand 2021
Report of the ex-post analysis of the energy demand 2021
Medius Workshop in Zurich
At the MEDIUS workshop, we will discuss current issues regarding the data situation of real estate portfolios and possible decarbonization and renovation strategies. The workshop will be in German and take place on November 14 and 18 in Zurich. More info and registration here.
Webinars about energy trends in November
New trends are changing the way energy is used and produced. This places demands on energy modelling. At four webinars of the EU research project NewTrends, we will go into this in more detail (more info and registration).
Updated heating costs
In cooperation with partners and experts, TEP Energy has updated the cost parameters of relevant heating systems and implemented them in the HSLU heating cost comparison calculator. The latest version can be ordered from the HSLU.
Presentation of Medius at SBE22 in Delft
In collaboration with Chill Services, Sinom and Raiffeisen Switzerland, TEP Energy presents the Medius project and a paper at SBE22.
Excursus Hydrogen for Energy Perspectives 2050+ online
In collaboration with Prognos, Infras and Ecoplan, TEP Energy investigated the role of various technologies in the context of the Energy Perspectives 2050+. Now the excursus hydrogen has been published.
Presentation of four studies at the Brenet status seminar
TEP Energy was at the Brenet status seminar "SustainDesign" in Aarau and presented several projects and studies.
Presentation at the Swiss Strommarktreffen
TEP Energy presents opportunities and measures for rapid decarbonisation in the heating sector.
sEEnergies at Energy Efficiency First Summit in Brüssel
TEP presented its findings from sEEnergies in Brussels. The aim was to assess energy efficiency potentials and costs in buildings in the EU28. The slides are now available online on the sEEnergies website.
TEP Energy at the SRER Congress
TEP Energy presents methodological approaches to easily and quickly assess the climate impact of real estate portfolios.
TEP supported Agora Energiewende with the publication "Regaining Europeʼs Energy Sovereignty"
We are pleased to have supported Agora Energiewende with the publication Regaining Europeʼs Energy Sovereignty.
Publication of final report on cantonal energy planning in BL
The report on energy planning in the canton of BL is now publicly available.
Article in the newspaper "Finanz und Wirtschaft"
To decarbonize building portfolios is crucial. York Ostermeyer and Martin Jakob describe solutions how to achieve such target in an interview with the newspaper Finanz und Wirtschaft.
Further information on our CTS Buildings Portfolio Toolbox is provided here.
Swiss Energy Perspectives 2050+ Excursuses
Detailed insights into the Swiss energy perspectives 2050+
Putting real estate portfolios on a climate-friendly path
TEP Energy presented the CTS Building Portfolio Toolbox at the ZHAW symposium.
Valued-added Energy Planning
TEP Energy offers in-depth spatial energy analysis.
Publication of Building Market Briefs (BMB)
The Building Market Briefs provide comparable market data on the construction, energy and building sectors across countries.
SWEET grant for the SURE project
The SURE project is financed by a SWEET grant. TEP Energy is part of the implementing project consortium.
Launch of PUEDA+ programme
The PUEDA+ funding programme for more energy efficiency in data centres and server rooms was officially launched.
Criteria for Climate-Compatible Building Financing in Switzerland
Now published: the report shows clear, practical criteria for investing in climate-compatible buildings.
Publication of final report on data centers
The final report on electricity consumption and efficiency potential in Swiss data centers is now publicly available.
The Future European Energy System - New publication by Springer Verlag
Renewable Energy, Flexibility Options and Technological Progress
Data tables of the Swiss energy perspectives 2050+ published
The SFOE has published data tables and additional reports to the Swiss energy perspectives 2050+.
Smart Region - New publication by Springer Verlag
Shaping the digital transformation of a region sustainably
Swiss Energy Perspectives 2050+ Report
The brief report on the Swiss energy perspectives 2050+ is now publicly available.
Ex-Post Analysis of Energy Demand 2019
Report of the ex-post analysis of the energy demand 2019
Swiss Heating Initiative info video and brochure
An info video and a brochure about the WIS study were published by AEE Suisse.
Presentation of the Heat Initiative at the Canton’s Energy Agency Conference
TEP Energy presented the most important aspects of the WIS-Study in front of various representatives of the Swiss energy sector.
Presentation of the Heat Initiative at the AEE SUISSE Congress
The AEE SUISSE congress is an event where various representatives of the Swiss renewable energy and energy efficiency sector get together to discuss the key topics of the field.
Swiss Heat Initiative Article in Aqua & Gas
Article about the WIS study in the trade journal Aqua & Gas of the platform for water, gas and heat.
Survey on digital infrastructure in Switzerland
Interview by Netzwoche with our Executive Partner Martin Jakob about the online survey on energy efficiency in Swiss data centres
Renewable and CO2-free heating sector in Switzerland
Study commissioned by the Swiss Heating Initiative (WIS) is now online.
Demand side management in the services sector
Conference proceedings of IEECB&SC'18 now online
Contribution from the IBPSA conference in Rome now available
New article on the potential of shifting cooling loads in office buildings using precooling strategies.
Cantonal survey on building retrofit and renovation
Updated link for online survey:
NewTrends - H2020 project partner
NewTrends - participation of TEP Energy in H2020 project consortium
CoolCity project in the news
CoolCity project featured in a front page story on Tagesanzeiger.
Ex-Post Analysis of Energy Demand 2018
The report of the ex-post analysis of the energy demand 2018 in Switzerland is now available.
A Useful Energy Balance for Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia)
Workshop to develop a useful energy balance in Bogotá, Colombia - TEP Energy participated!
Building Market Briefs Initiative and CUES Foundation Website Launched in the Climate Innovation Experience Event in the Netherlands
EIT Climate-KIC's Building Market Brief Initiative aims to support the European construction sector in its transformation and introduction of low carbon solutions...
TEP Energy Supports the SFOE with the Revision of the Swiss Energy Perspectives
The revision of the Swiss Energy Perspectives has started...
Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE4): TEP Energy Presents Results of HRE4 Project in a Webinar
TEP Energy presented the project findings on investment cost curves to access additional efficiency gains in the residential buildings sector of Europe in a webinar.
TEP Participating at the Brenet Seminar in Zurich with Short Presentations and a Poster
Results and findings from the last two years of research on energy efficiency and on energy requirements of buildings in Switzerland...
TEP Energy presents new findings at the Grid Market Symposium in Lucerne
New results and empirical data from special surveys on DSM-potentials in four European countries were presented.
Three New Markets to Be Explored in 2018 in the Building Market Briefs (BMB) Project
New Building Market Briefs (BMB) provide important and interesting data on the construction sector in Poland, Spain and Italy.
TEP at the IEA-ECB Annex 70
During June 2018, the second major international meeting of the IEA-ECB Annex 70 will take place in Gothenburg, in which TEP Energy will participate.
BMB Meeting in Delft
The BMB market study series lays the foundations for comparing the construction and building sectors of different European countries.
Martin Jakob Gives a Talk at the Decarb:cities in Vienna
The Decarb:cities is an annual gathering of experts in the field of energy and climate policy. It is organized by the European Heat Pump Association and this year's topic was the energy transition in cities.
TEP auf
Wirtschaftlichkeit und CO2-Vermeidungskosten bei energetischen Gebäudeerneuerungen - ein Thema das heute aktueller ist als je.
TEP Energy at IEECB&SC’18 in Frankfurt
For the 10th time, experts from all over the world met in Frankfurt for the IEECB & SC Conference (Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities).
Consistent Methodology for all Cantons
How much CO2 is emitted by buildings in the different cantons?
Aufbau der EEG-Plattform
Der Aufbau der schweizweiten EEG-Plattform ist lanciert und der branchenübergreifende Ansatz aus den EEG-Workshops wird für die Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung von konkreten Aktionen weitergelebt.
EEG-Workshop Zurich
EEG is a three-part workshop, organized by TEP Energy on increasing energy efficiency, the use of renewable energies and added-value in buildings and it is part of the global Program "Energy Efficiency and Building Technology Accelerator" (EEB).
Neue Mitarbeitende unterstützt uns!
Wir freuen uns, die vielseitig interessierte und erfahrene Andrea bei uns im Team zu haben!
REFLEX: TEP Energy at the REFLEX-Workshop
REFLEX is a European research project that investigates the role of demand and supply side flexibilities in the European energy system.