Building and energy market analyses

Energy modernisations, renewable energies and efficient building technology are changing both the energy market and the building market, driven among other things by energy and climate policy. Increasing networking is also making inroads into the construction and real estate industries, new technologies are being developed and customers' needs are constantly changing. This opens up new opportunities for innovative changes for energy, construction and real estate companies as well as technology providers, which we should jointly exploit.

With our tools, expertise, market knowledge and close industry contacts, we identify and evaluate market potentials.


Energy renovation rates in the building sector

Various federal and cantonal energy and climate policy measures are aimed at significantly increasing the energy renovation rate. Based on this comprehensive survey, the report shows how the energy renovation rate has developed in recent years and how high it currently is.

Country-specific Market Reports for Buildings

Building Market Briefs (BMB) is a Climate KIC initiative within the flagship Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA) that aims to gather and promote knowledge about the buildings' and construction sector to promote low carbon investment and scaling.

Energy-Saving Contracting

Increasing energy efficiency is one of the central pillars of Swiss energy policy and energy-saving contracting contributes to this goal.