Cost/benefit assessment of buildings and their renovations
Energy efficiency measures, the use of renewable energies and new energy services such as performance contracting often bring with them many advantages. The increase in the value of the property and reductions in energy costs are only one part of the story. Higher living comfort, easier operability, noise protection, more safety and better air quality further increase the attractiveness of the property. However, such side effects are usually not even considered. Their actual monetary value often remains unknown.
With our multidimensional benefit assessment method, we take all factors into account and can carry out a comprehensive assessment.

LICS – Low-investment-cost retrofit solutions
Potentials and limitations of existing and new low-investment-cost retrofit solutions to achieve a benchmark of 6 kg CO2 per m2 in existing buildings

sEEnergies - Cost potential curves for refurbishment strategies in Europe
Quantification of synergies between Energy Efficiency First Principle and renewable energy systems for 2050 decarbonization

Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE) – Study on the European Heating and Cooling Market
In Europe, the energy system is to be decarbonised in the long term, i.e. no more CO2 emissions will be emitted. We estimate energy efficiencies cost potential curves for 14 European countries.

EEG Platform: Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Buildings (EEG)
Through the EEG platform, the developed actions from the EEG Action Plan can be jointly further developed and implemented throughout Switzerland.

EEG Workshop: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies in Buildings (EEG)
The EEG Workshop on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Buildings (EEG) is part of the global programme "Energy Efficiency and Building Technology Accelerator" (EEB) of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Climate-KIC.

CREAM – Integrating Climate Change Mitigation, Resource Efficiency and Adaptation in Building Stock Modelling
Objectives, strategies and measures in the field of climate protection, energy planning and the further development of energy networks in cities are designed using the Building Park Model (GPM) in a cross-sectoral manner.

INSPIRE Tool: Energetic, Ecological and Economic Renovation of Buildings
With the INSPIRE tool you can calculate energy, ecological and economic indicators as well as strategies for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and primary energy consumption of buildings.

Extension of the Building Stock Model for the SIA Efficiency Path
Using the enhanced building stock model, the primary energy and greenhouse gas emissions of new buildings and renovation projects are compared with the target values to review the impact of energy policy objectives.

Economic Analysis of Measures for the Energy Strategy 2050 – Efficiency Regulations for Electrical Appliances
With the Energy Strategy 2050, the Federal Council is pursuing the goal of significantly reducing electricity consumption in Switzerland by 2050 compared with a reference development.