Definition and monitoring of security of supply on the European electricity markets from 2017 to 2019

Within the framework of the project, existing concepts of supply security on the European electricity market are to be analysed and monitoring concepts based on them are to be further developed. Essential components of the concept to be developed are the definition of security of supply on the European electricity market, the use of an adequate methodology or modelling approaches to investigate the European electricity market and the derivation of an adequate methodology for monitoring.
TEP Energy is working on this project together with r2b energy consulting GmbH, Consentec GmbH and Fraunhofer ISI. TEP's contribution is the determination and analysis of electricity demand in the tertiary sector. TEP used the bottom-up based model platform FORECAST for this purpose.

Project report


  • Project duration2016 - 2017

  • Contact at TEP EnergyMartin Jakob

  • Contracting partyBMWi

  • Project partnersr2b energy consulting GmbH, Consentec GmbH, Fraunhofer ISI, TEP Energy

  • Project report(PDF)

Reference projects

Energy renovation rates in the building sector

Various federal and cantonal energy and climate policy measures are aimed at significantly increasing the energy renovation rate. Based on this comprehensive survey, the report shows how the energy renovation rate has developed in recent years and how high it currently is.

Solar strategy Wädenswil

TEP Energy is conducting a solar strategy and potential study to accelerate the expansion of solar energy in the city of Wädenswil.

SURE - SUstainable and REsilient energy for Switzerland

Sweet - SURE analyses the impact of disruptive events on the Swiss energy system. TEP Energy is working on energy demand topics such as the development of demand for energy sources in Switzerland, the impact of shocks on the demand load and the potential use of large heat pumps.

Future of Gas Study

TEP analysed the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of buildings of residential and service sector in EU27 countries to model different pathways of fossil fuel substitution.

Ex-post analysis of energy demand 2021

Together with Prognos and Infras, TEP carries out the ex-post analysis of the energy demand of 2021 in Switzerland. TEP Energy is responsible for the services and agriculture sectors.

Country-specific Market Reports for Buildings

Building Market Briefs (BMB) is a Climate KIC initiative within the flagship Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA) that aims to gather and promote knowledge about the buildings' and construction sector to promote low carbon investment and scaling.

Heating Initiative Switzerland

On behalf of the Swiss Heating Initiative (WIS), the decarbonization of the heating sector will be examined by 2050. Spatial potential analyzes and the Swiss building stock model (GPM) are used.


Assessment of the potential for lake water use for heating and cooling in the city of Zurich