Solar strategy Wädenswil
Based on its Energy Masterplan 2023, the city of Wädenswil wants to drive forward the expansion of solar power generation across the entire city area. As Wädenswil is the third-largest municipality in the canton of ZH in terms of area, there is significant potential for local solar power production. Thus, Wädenswil can contribute to the cantonal climate and energy targets. The study by TEP Energy uses GIS methods and the building stock model to identify the existing potential for expanding photovoltaics (PV) and assesses it according to various criteria, including economic viability, share of own electricity use and ownership structure. Based on this, suitable implementation models are developed and the future role of the city is defined. The results serve as a basis for the city of Wädenswil and its utilities to shape the future of municipal energy supply and to define the necessary requirements, measures and instruments. The results are also used for communication and as a basis for co-operation with partners.
Project Infos
Project durationMay 2023 – January 2024
Contact at TEP EnergyMarc Melliger and Martin Jakob
Contracting partyCity of Wädenswil and Werke Wädenswil
Project partnersenerhub
Final reportOn request
Projekt websiteNew Link
Reference projects
Energy renovation rates in the building sector
Various federal and cantonal energy and climate policy measures are aimed at significantly increasing the energy renovation rate. Based on this comprehensive survey, the report shows how the energy renovation rate has developed in recent years and how high it currently is.
Future Energy Demand in EU27+3 up to 2050
Together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ( TEP Energy GmbH developed scenarios for future energy demand in the industrial, building (household and commercial/service) and transport sectors.
SURE - SUstainable and REsilient energy for Switzerland
Sweet - SURE analyses the impact of disruptive events on the Swiss energy system. TEP Energy is working on energy demand topics such as the development of demand for energy sources in Switzerland, the impact of shocks on the demand load and the potential use of large heat pumps.
Ex-post analysis of energy demand 2021
Together with Prognos and Infras, TEP carries out the ex-post analysis of the energy demand of 2021 in Switzerland. TEP Energy is responsible for the services and agriculture sectors.
Calculation Tool for 2000-Watt Sites II
Revised calculation tool for the evaluation of settlement areas regarding indicators of the 2000-watt society.
Country-specific Market Reports for Buildings
Building Market Briefs (BMB) is a Climate KIC initiative within the flagship Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA) that aims to gather and promote knowledge about the buildings' and construction sector to promote low carbon investment and scaling.
Swiss Energy Perspectives 2050+
To update the SFOE's energy perspectives, we are preparing the scenario results for the services and agricultural sector.
IEA ECB Annex 70: Analysis of Building Energy Data with a Scalable Building Stock Model
Relationship between building park modelling and real building and energy data.
Ex-Post Analysis of Energy Demand in the Swiss Service Sector
Together with Prognos and Infras, we periodically carry out ex-post analyses of the energy demand in Switzerland on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE). TEP Energy is responsible for the sectors services and agriculture.
PUEDA+: Promotion of energy efficiency in data centers and server rooms
Program to promote energy efficiency in the Swiss IT industry
From the Certificate to Physics
Ways to net zero compatible buildings in the city of Zurich
New Trends in Energy Demand Modelling
In this Horizon2020 project, the impact of new societal trends on the energy consumption are modelled and analysed.
Biodiversity in the Urban Area
Concept for assessing the costs and benefits of biodiversity measures in urban areas
Reference Values of Cooling Systems in Buildings
Compilation of cooling reference values and improvement of the data basis to have a better support for strategic building planning
Energy Law Report for the Canton of Basel-Landschaft
Development of a methodology for the periodic evaluation of the measures and goals of the canton's energy law.
REFLEX Project: Flexibility and Technological Development in the European Energy System
REFLEX focuses on techno-economic learning, fundamental energy system modelling and social and environmental life cycle analysis.
Heating Initiative Switzerland
On behalf of the Swiss Heating Initiative (WIS), the decarbonization of the heating sector will be examined by 2050. Spatial potential analyzes and the Swiss building stock model (GPM) are used.
Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE) – Study on the European Heating and Cooling Market
In Europe, the energy system is to be decarbonised in the long term, i.e. no more CO2 emissions will be emitted. We estimate energy efficiencies cost potential curves for 14 European countries.
The Role of Gas Infrastructure in the Future Energy System
Energy policy decisions and technological developments lead to an increase in fluctuating renewable energy production. More flexibility in the power grid and storage possibilities is required to which the buildings' sector may contribute.
Assessment of the potential for lake water use for heating and cooling in the city of Zurich
Definition and monitoring of security of supply on the European electricity markets from 2017 to 2019
Within the framework of the project, existing concepts of supply security on the European electricity market are to be analysed and monitoring concepts based on them are to be further developed.
Energy-Saving Contracting
Increasing energy efficiency is one of the central pillars of Swiss energy policy and energy-saving contracting contributes to this goal.
Mapping and Analyses of the Current and Future (2020-2030) Heating/Cooling Fuel Deployment (Fossil Fuels/Renewables) in Europe
The energy balances of statistical offices in many countries and Eurostat are often incomplete. This EU service contract maps current and future energy demand for heating and cooling.
Extension of the Building Stock Model for the SIA Efficiency Path
Using the enhanced building stock model, the primary energy and greenhouse gas emissions of new buildings and renovation projects are compared with the target values to review the impact of energy policy objectives.
Energy Supply Concept 2050 for the City of Zurich
The Energy Supply Concept 2050 used a scenario approach to show that the heat supply of the city of Zurich could meet the goals of the 2000-watt society.
Analysis of Market Opportunities and Potentials in the Heating and Cooling Sector
Evaluation of new market opportunities on behalf of a large Swiss electricity supplier.
Integration of embodied Energy into the Building Stock Model (BSM)
By 2050, the City of Zurich intends to fully meet the goals of the 2000-watt society. Energy consumption in existing buildings and embodied energy are also part of this scope.
Electricity Efficiency of the Swiss Economy – Evaluation and Scenarios of the EnAW
The impact of EnAW's previous activities in the field of electricity efficiency is statistically evaluated and the future development is bottom-up estimated.
Pilot Study: Building Stock Model (BSM) for Office, School and Residential Buildings
In collaboration with the ETH Chair for Sustainable Building, we developed a pilot version of the building stock model for Switzerland and for the city of Zurich.