Instruments for Implementing Efficiency Measures in Building Technology

There is great potential for increasing efficiency in the field of building technology (see project: „Potential Assessment of Measures in the Field of Building Technology“). The Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) decided to draw up a concept for the implementation of such measures.

On the basis of an obstacle analysis, it is shown which instruments support the implementation of efficiency measures in building technology as effectively and efficiently as possible.

We conducted qualitative interviews with 22 experts from various stakeholder groups (including building technicians, building owners and managers and representatives of universities of applied sciences) and analysed selected documents.

Summary of the results

  • The quality of building technology is not optimal from an energy point of view.
  • There are obstacles to the implementation of efficiency measures.
  • More industry expertise, improved buyer competence of building owners and (economic and legal)   incentives are needed.
  • As a first step, existing energy and climate policy instruments should be strengthened.
  • In a second step, additional instruments are needed. The focus is on the combination of incentive levies with regulations.
  • Stakeholders should cooperate more closely in the further development and implementation of the instruments.

Project infos

  • Project duration2016

  • Contact at TEP EnergyMartin Jakob

  • Contracting partySFOE

  • Project partnersINFRAS (Lead), TEP Energy

  • LinksEnergieSchweiz

  • Final report(PDF, in german)

Reference projects

Low-temperature district heating networks. The basis for modernizing the heat sector.

Renewable energies and waste heat sources are to replace the coal and natural gas sources that have dominated Polish district heating networks up to now. 

First and foremost, this requires a reduction of the system temperature. The study shows the technical, regulatory and organisational measures required to achieve this
and determines the overall potential for decarbonising district heating in Poland.

Energy Policy Simulator

TEP Energy is supporting the San Francisco based think tank Energy Innovation in the expansion of its Energy Policy Simulator (EPS).

Future of Gas Study

TEP analysed the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of buildings of residential and service sector in EU27 countries to model different pathways of fossil fuel substitution.

Ex-post analysis of energy demand 2021

Together with Prognos and Infras, TEP carries out the ex-post analysis of the energy demand of 2021 in Switzerland. TEP Energy is responsible for the services and agriculture sectors.


MEDIUS bridges the gap between green finance and green projects to decarbonize buildings at scale.

Country-specific Market Reports for Buildings

Building Market Briefs (BMB) is a Climate KIC initiative within the flagship Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA) that aims to gather and promote knowledge about the buildings' and construction sector to promote low carbon investment and scaling.

Heating Initiative Switzerland

On behalf of the Swiss Heating Initiative (WIS), the decarbonization of the heating sector will be examined by 2050. Spatial potential analyzes and the Swiss building stock model (GPM) are used.


Assessment of the potential for lake water use for heating and cooling in the city of Zurich

Energy-Saving Contracting

Increasing energy efficiency is one of the central pillars of Swiss energy policy and energy-saving contracting contributes to this goal.